Work together to move forward

We offer two workshops for 10 – 20 participants depending on the need: dealing with job loss, and planning for the future.

Job Search After Downsizing

Offered to groups of 10-20 people who have been given notice by their employer.

With a copy of the AFS Job Search Manual, the workshop is a combination of presentation, written exercises, discussion and simulation.

The four phases / Aspects of this workshop

  1. To develop participants’ portfolios of skills, characteristics and work objectives.
  2. To develop “marketing” tool kit of strategies and resources for managing a job search.
  3. To develop skills in handling interviews, networking, and other speaking situations.
  4. To develop and implement Personal Action Plans for conducting a Job Search campaign.

The workshop helps participants come to realize that in the end they will find a new work situation that is best for them and will look back on this experience as one of unparalleled learning and growth.

(This workshop may stimulate participants to consider a career shift into quite new areas such as a whole new employment field or perhaps self-employment).

Job Search Workshop

by Doug Jordan

A manual to assist anyone – new entrant to the workforce or someone who has lost their job – define themselves and manage their job search campaign. Helpful self-assessment exercises in personality preferences, skills and accomplishments, values and objectives for a career, and converting this into effective resume design; how to market oneself through research, networking, application letters; interview skills and techniques and negotiating an offer; and finally, wrapping up you campaign.

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Career Planning

Offered to groups of 10-20 people, through the employer or in a Public Seminar format.

Helping workers become self-empowered when they are pro-active in the management of their own careers (and lives).

Participants receive a copy of the AFS Career Management Manual, and work on a series of exercises to generate an inventory of their interests, skills and achievements, preferences and values, then develop long term, intermediate and short term career options.

Career Management Workshop

by Doug Jordan

A workbook to help individuals think through what they want to achieve in their careers, and their lives. Includes exercises, questionnaires and information to challenge a person to think, build a long term career plan, then inspire him or her to act to execute on their plan.

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