On Procrastination Part 3: Self-Efficacy, Self-Leadership, Self-Reinforcing
Turns out people who have high levels of Self-Efficacy and Self-Leadership (which includes Personal Goal Setting, Positive Self-talk, Self-Monitoring, and [...]
Turns out people who have high levels of Self-Efficacy and Self-Leadership (which includes Personal Goal Setting, Positive Self-talk, Self-Monitoring, and [...]
I said in On Procrastination Part 1 that [all] people are concerned with self-esteem and so worry about being judged, [...]
I’m not a psychologist, but … As an executive coach many of my clients raise this issue of procrastination as [...]
Drive Theory of motivation (Lawrence and Nohria) provides a lot of insight into what ultimately affects a satisfactory career.
Career satisfaction is highly related to the notion of utilizing our best talents in the pursuit of authentic happiness (Martin Seligman)
In my earlier blog review of his book, The Luck Factor, Richard Wiseman said that you too can train yourself [...]
A summary of Richard Wiseman's book, The Luck Factor with some commentary by Doug Jordan.